22 dec, sunday
Local time: | 15:51 |
Precip: 100% | Feels like: 12°F |
Sunrise: | 09:38 | | | Sunset: | 16:51 | |
Moonrise: | - | | | Moonset: | 13:06 |
Pressure: | 1024 hPa |
Humidity: | 96% |
Visibility: | 1 miles |
Day Length: | 7 h. 13 min. |
Month Averages
Ufa Air Temperature, °F
Precipitation Totals, in
Average Sunny Hours Per Day
We are using day length and cloud cover information for each day of the month to calculate averages for this chart.
Russia Resorts:
Adler | +50 | |
Anapa | +52 | |
Dombay | +34 | |
Gelendzhik | +52 | |
Kaliningrad | +38 | |
Lazarevskoye | +50 | |
Moscow | +20 | |
Novorossiysk | +50 | |
Seliger | +30 | |
Sirius | +50 | |
Sochi | +48 | |
St Petersburg | +34 | |
Tuapse | +50 | |
Vladivostok | +14 | |
Yaroslavl | +20 |
24 Hours Weather Forecast
Local time: 15:51
22 dec, sunday
1800 | 22°F | N 14 mph |
2100 | 20°F | N 14 mph |
23 dec, monday
0000 | 20°F | N 13 mph |
0300 | 20°F | N 12 mph |
0600 | 20°F | N 10 mph |
0900 | 16°F | N 7 mph |
1200 | 16°F | N 7 mph |
1500 | 18°F | N 7 mph |